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Mobidictum is a global game news and events platform. Founded in 2015 to help mobile game developers with marketing activities, Mobidictum now continues to do this mission by creating content, spreading the news about companies, and hosting local and global events.
At the beginning of 2020, we decided to separate B2B and B2C content and create On, we write industry news, guides, interviews, academy articles, and more. We have built this website to make it a hub of game developers, where they can get updates about the industry, learn about tools that they can use, and read other game developers’ stories to get inspired.
Our continuous mission is to provide quality content related to the mobile game industry. Operating in both B2B and B2C fields, we contribute to the development of this industry by providing quality content from players to industry stakeholders.
Our ultimate goal is to become the leading media & events company. We aim to grow the industry with the quality content we produce and to be a company that leads the industry.